Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Services:
Hydrology and Storm Water Services
Grading and Drainage Design
Plan Review
Utility Design
Value Engineering
Construction Administration
Construction Management
Permit Applications & Processing
Sediment and Erosion Control Design
Retaining Walls, Bridge and Structure Design
m6 is experienced in capital improvement project development and engineering and can assist our Municipal and Higher Education Clients in master planning, conceptual and alternative studies, and constructability and feasibility analysis, as well as the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the preliminary and final phases of design. m6 is proficient in the assessment, design, and engineering of roadways, drainage, and grading, retaining walls and utilities.
Our company has extensive knowledge of and experience with storm drain master planning, hydrology, hydraulics, and storm drain design. m6 can assist our Clients with providing hydrology, hydraulics analyses and associated stormwater management design for Municipalities and Jurisdictions Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
m6 provides hydrologic analysis of watershed areas as well as specific drainage design for areas of roadways, inlets, basins, and associated piping systems for various clients throughout the State of California. m6 can assist with troubleshooting problem areas and resolution of complex hydraulic issues with existing storm drain systems components and infrastructure. m6 staff have served in drainage review and floodplain management capacities for multiple cities, and are familiar with the nuances of drainage design and the review of drainage systems.